Academic Laurels

Dr. Ramesh Kataria has been awarded a patent for the innovative water treatment technology, titled “Framing of rGOCocatalyst on Zn-MOF: A Light-Based Degradation System for Dyed Waste Water Recovery,”

IQAC2024-10-04T10:57:53+00:00September 11th, 2024|Categories: Academic Laurels, Patent, University News|

Dr. Ramesh Kataria, Department of Chemistry, PU has been awarded a patent for the innovative water treatment technology, titled "Framing of rGOCocatalyst on Zn-MOF: A Light-Based Degradation System for Dyed Waste Water Recovery," introduces a novel composite, PUC-8@rGO, that efficiently degrades dye contaminants in wastewater using light. Others in the team included Kushal Arya & Ajay Kumar (Research Scholar), Dr. Surinder Singh, Dr. Ravinder Kumar, Prof. S.K. Mehta, and Dr. Vinod Kumar (Central University of Haryana), highlighting the impactful research conducted in India.

The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) has ranked Panjab University, Chandigarh, among the top 4% of higher education institutions globally for the year 2023-24

IQAC2024-05-21T06:55:56+00:00May 20th, 2024|Categories: Academic Laurels, University News|

The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) has ranked Panjab University, Chandigarh, among the top 4% of higher education institutions globally for the year 2023-24. CWUR, which ranks 21,000 institutions, represents the largest academic ranking of global universities. Panjab University, Chandigarh, has been ranked 10 in India and 242 in India. Globally, it has been ranked 527 in quality of education imparted and a research rank of 794, with an overall score of 71.6. These rankings are based on four parameters: education, employability, faculty, and research, with equal emphasis on student-related and faculty-related indicators. This achievement places Panjab University [...]

Central Placement Cell, PU organized a scholarship distribution function at the Vice-Chancellor’s office; sponsored by “Sarbat Da Bhala” charitable trust.

IQAC2024-05-20T10:13:53+00:00May 14th, 2024|Categories: Academic Laurels, Scholarships, University News|

Central Placement Cell, Panjab University, Chandigarh organized a function at the Vice-Chancellor’s office to distribute scholarships to the students of the Panjab University, Chandigarh, on 14thMay 2024. “Sarbat Da Bhala” charitable trust sponsors these scholarships. Honourable Vice Chancellor, Prof. Renu Vig congratulated the students and thanked the trust for their generous scholarship to help these students. She spoke about the importance of persisting against all odds. She encouraged the students to put in their best effort and make their country proud one day. Prof Meena Sharma, Honorary Director of Central Placement Cell enlightened the students about the help provided [...]

Panjab University, Chandigarh signed MoU with Intel India

IQAC2024-05-14T04:23:08+00:00May 9th, 2024|Categories: Academic Laurels, University News|

Panjab University, Chandigarh has signed a MoU with Intel India in the event organized by Intel India at New Delhi on 8th May 2024. The event was presided over by Sh. Sanjay K Murthy, IAS, Secretary, Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India. MoU between PU Chandigarh and Intel India was signed and exchanged in the presence of Mr. Gokul V Subramaniam, President IntelIndia and Ms Shweta Khurana, Senior Director, AsiaPacific Japan, Intel India. This MoU would enable PU to offer joint programs with Intel India under NEP 2020 using Intel’s Digital Readiness Platform. With Intel's expertise and support, these [...]

Panjab University Elevates to Category I Status: A Triumph of Academic Excellence

IQAC2024-05-03T10:07:06+00:00April 30th, 2024|Categories: Academic Laurels, Awards, IQAC, NAAC, PU in NEWS, University News|

In a significant development, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has conferred Panjab University with the prestigious Category I status, acknowledging its outstanding contributions and academic prowess. Deliberating on Panjab University's proposal during its 579th Commission meeting on April 16, 2024, the UGC deemed it fitting to grant the university Category I status under its Regulations of Categorisation of Universities for the bestowal of Graded Autonomy, 2018. This accolade places Panjab University among the select elite institutions recognized by the UGC, aligning with the commission's mission to uphold global standards of excellence by empowering high-performing institutions and fostering excellence in [...]

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Breakthrough Patent Granted for a Dual-Function Peptide for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Semen Identification in Rape Cases

IQAC2024-04-25T04:23:49+00:00April 24th, 2024|Categories: Academic Laurels, Awards, Research, University News|

In a groundbreaking development in the realms of healthcare and forensic science, a pioneering patent has been granted for a novel peptide and its conjugate designed to detect Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) which is a protein produced by prostate gland in males. PSA is used for early diagnosis of prostate cancer in the healthcare system and semen detection in sexual assault cases. The novel peptide specific to PSA is used as a biorecognition element in order to fabricate the biosensor for the detection of PSA. Presence of PSA was detected based on the change in colour of the novel [...]

Team of U.I.E.T. Panjab University, Chandigarh has secured the All India Rank-2 in the final phase of Aerothon 2023

IQAC2023-11-29T10:30:39+00:00November 18th, 2023|Categories: Academic Laurels, Awards, Competition, Technology, University News|

Team of U.I.E.T. Panjab University, Chandigarh has achieved an outstanding feat by securing the All India Rank-2 in the final phase of Aerothon 2023 with a cash prize of 1 Lakh, a prestigious competition conducted by SAE INDIA. This remarkable accomplishment is a testament to the remarkable skills and collaborative efforts demonstrated by our team, especially considering that it is their inaugural attempt, surpassing even the renowned IITs. A moment of appreciation is due for each member of the team: Manik Singla (ECE 3rd, UEM215129) Ayush Sharma (CSE 3rd, UE213020) Aryan Singh Dhiman (CSE 3rd, UE213020) Tanish (I.T 4th, UEM208125) [...]

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