IQAC Minutes of Meetings
Welcome to the IQAC Minutes of Meetings page on Panjab University’s website. This page serves as a repository of the minutes of meetings conducted by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at Panjab University. The IQAC plays a crucial role in monitoring and ensuring the quality of academic and administrative activities at the university. The minutes of meetings document the discussions, decisions, and recommendations made during IQAC meetings, providing transparency and accountability to stakeholders. By accessing this page, you can stay updated on the initiatives, measures, and strategies undertaken by the IQAC to enhance the quality of education, research, and governance at Panjab University. The minutes of meetings reflect the collaborative efforts of the IQAC members, including faculty, administrators, and external experts, in shaping the university’s policies, processes, and future direction. We invite you to explore this page and gain valuable insights into the deliberations and actions taken by the IQAC to continuously improve the academic standards and overall effectiveness of Panjab University.
- Workshop on Outcome-Based Education (16-17, Nov 2023)
- CWUR ranked PU, among the top 4% of higher education institutions globally
- Minutes of Meeting of Chairpersons of all Teaching Departments, held on 09.04.2024.
- V.Imp.: To ensure that existing Technical Institutions take AICTE Approval for their courses for upcoming academic year 2024-2025 which is Mandatory for admitting students for next academic session.
- Uploading Data for AQAR/Annual Report/Ranking
- PU Guidelines for Pursuing Two Academic Programmes / Dual Degree Simultaneously
- Regarding request to initiate at least two MOU’s
- To submit Academic Plan for organizing conferences, workshops, seminars, etc. for coming session.
- Vice Chancellor’s meet with Chairpersons of All departments and Co-ordinators and Co-coordinators (MOCK Teams)
- Meeting Notice regarding meeting of All Chairpersons to be held on August 21, 2023 at 3.30 p.m. in Senate Hall, P.U., Chandiagarh.
- Expression of gratitude to all Panjab University Teaching, Non-Teaching staff and Students on securing an A++ accreditation in NAAC Ranking.
- Circular regarding differently abled persons be treated with utmost courtesy and given all relevant help
- Reg. expressing gratitude to all Faculty members for their support and hard work during NAAC Interaction
- NAAC Visit 2-4 August 2023 Reg.- Opening of departments, cleanliness and wearing of ID cards by faculty and staff
- Reg. Notice Boards and signboards.
- Reg NAAC Mock Teams visit.
- Reg. – no leave of any kind be granted to any teaching and non-teaching staff of the University on 2nd, 3rd and 4th August 2023
- Circular reg. NAAC team visit PU from August 02-04, 2023.
- Minutes of IDP meeting (14-05-2024)
- Minutes of IDP meeting (29-04-2024)
- Minutes of IDP meeting (12-04-2024)
- Minutes of IDP meeting (27-03-2024)
- Minutes of IDP meeting (11-03-2024)
- Minutes of First Institutional Development Plan meeting (20-02-2024)
- Approved Committee to work on the Institutional Development Plan for Higher Education Institutions (HEI), as per the guidelines of UGC.
Minutes of the Meetings
- Circular reg. NAAC team visit PU from August 02-04, 2023.
- Meeting Agenda: Preparation for Upcoming NAAC Visit (23-06-2023)
- To encourage new students to seek admission in Panjab University (14-06-2023)
- Minutes of Syndicate Meeting “Implementation of NEP-2020 and Role of IQAC in Ensuring Quality Assurance”, held on 23.04.2023
- Minutes of Syndicate Meeting “Enhancement in Honorarium for Guest Faculty” (07.02.2023)
- Maintenance of stock register regarding usage of acid. (16-08-2022)
- Faculty-wise Schedule of meeting with the Vice Chancellor (03-08-2022)
- Minutes of Approval for payment of NAAC Assessment and Accreditation. (23.03.2023)
- Full Time Residential Summer School, 2022 (07-07-2022)
- Urgent Meeting on 02.8.2022 at 4.00 p.m.
- Online Training Diary Dispatch module (12-June-2023)
- Training Workshop of online Diary Dispatch module (08-June-2023)
- Training of online Diary Dispatch module (07-June-2023)
- Minutes of the meeting for formulation of policy for scholarship and freeships 20 Oct 2022
- Minutes of the meeting for formulation of policy for scholarship and freeships 17 Oct 2022
- Minutes of meeting of an Interaction meeting of the Chairpersons of all the Departments with the Hon’ ble Vice–Chancellor held on 24–06–2022 and 25–06–
- Minutes of meeting to discuss Qualitative questions for submission in AQAR 2020–21 05.2022
- Minutes of meeting to discuss data submission in AQAR 2020–21 29.04.2022 and 04.05.2022
- NEP 2020 – recommendation of the implementation committee (25–04–2022)
- Minutes of meeting in light of guidelines issued by Chandigarh Administration, held on January 12, 2022.
- Resolution: Parameter of green campus initiative and waste management(16.03.2022)
- Minutes of meeting with Directorate of Sports (13.12.2021)
- Minutes of the meeting of the Committee for parameter of green campus initiative and waste management (02.12.2021)
- Minutes of meeting with library on 06.10.2021
- Institutional Level Feedback Analysis And Action Taken Report prepared by IQAC
- Minutes of Standing Committee reg. implementation of policies and programmes of GOI, UGC and State Govt. for SC and ST (20.04.2021).
- Minutes of meeting held for Best Practices selection for Criteria VII (15–12–2020)
- Minutes of All Chairperson Meeting held on 24.10.2020
- Minutes of online meeting held on 11.09.2020 to deliberate on PUSA representation and decisions thereof
- Minutes of Meeting to discuss SOP–August2020
- Institutional Level Feedback Analysis And Action Taken Report prepared by IQAC
- Minutes of Meeting Criterion 4. on 25Feb2020
- Minutes of meeting of sub–committee for Criteria–Vll held 20.02.2020
- Minutes of Meeting for Criterion 1 on 10 Feb 2020
- Minutes of Meeting with chairpersons for all depts3–7 Feb 2020
- Minutes of the meeting of the Committee for P.U. Hostels (20.01.2020)
- UGC Care Research Journal MOM (19.11.2019)
- Minutes of the meeting regarding framing the guidelines/rules of the award of PU D fellowship (20.08.2019).
- Minutes of the Meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell(05–07–2019)
- Institutional Level Feedback Analysis And Action Taken Report prepared by IQAC
- Minutes of the Meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell(26–06–2019)
- NAAC Assessors Orientation Programme (23/04/2019)
- Minutes of the meeting of the Chairpersons of all Teaching Departments, held on April 9, 2019.
- Minutes of the meeting of all Chairpersons regarding composition of board of studies, held on March 7, 2019.
- Minutes of the meeting of all Chairpersons, held on January 22, 2019.
- Minutes of the meeting of all Chairpersons, held on December 24, 2018
- Minutes of the meeting of all Chairpersons, held on November 15–16, 2018.
- Minutes of Meeting of the Research promotion Cell Committee regarding MOU’s (18-07–2018)
- Institutional Level Feedback Analysis And Action Taken Report prepared by IQAC
- Minutes of Plagiarism Policy for PU Journals(05.2018)
- Summary of meeting of all Chairpersons, held on May 28, 2018.
- Minutes of Meeting of the Research Promotion Cell committee regarding MOU’s(0305–2018)
- Minutes of the meeting of all Chairpersons of Departments regarding briefing of PU presentation for IOE, held on April 12, 2018
- Minutes of Meetingof the Research Promotion Cell Committee regarding MOU’s (2703–2018)
- Summary of meeting of all Chairpersons regarding preparation for NAAC by the departments, February 8, 2018
- Summary of meeting of all Chairpersons regarding uploading data on NIRF portal for National Ranking of Institutes of Higher Education, heldon (13.11.2017)
- Minutes of Meeting regarding MOU’S(30-10–2017)
- Summary of meeting of all Chairpersons regarding to review new M.Phi;/Ph.D. Guidelines held on (11.10.2017)
- Summary of meeting of all Chairpersons of Departments regarding to discuss preparedness for NAAC, held on 21.7.2017.
- Minutes of Meeting of the Research Promotion Cell Committee Members Chaired with Vice–Chancellor (17–07–2017)
- Minutes of Meeting of the Research Promotion Cell Committee (13–07–2017)
- Minutes of the Statutory Meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell(24–07–2017)
- Action Taken Report on NAAC recommendations submitted to the Chancellor
- Institutional Level Feedback Analysis And Action Taken Report prepared by IQAC