Number of seats available year wise during the last five years

HEI Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
8989 9084 8717 8460 8360

Recommended Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
8123 8312 7961 7712 7530
Remark :

DVV has made the changes as per shared clarification.

Attached Documents :

1.Demand Ratio (Average of Last five years) based on Data Template upload the document
2.Any additional information

(Excluding Supernumerary Seats) Number of actual students admitted from the reserved categories year wise during last five years

HEI Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
1821 1791 1869 1699 1669

Recommended Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
2303 2419 2459 2094 2185
Remark :

DVV has made the changes as per shared clarification.

Attached Documents :

1.Average percentage of seats filled against seats reserved (Data Template)
2.Any additional information Number of learners with fresh Enrolment Admission into next semester (re-registration), year – wise during last five years.

HEI Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
7725 7000 6254 6594 7623 Total enrolment of DDE in the preceeding academic year, year-wise during last five years

HEI Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
14383 14518 14332 14111 15790 Number of increase / decrease in the enrolment of learners in the DDE year – wise during the last five years

HEI Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
135 186 221 1679 3330

Attached Documents :

1.Institutional data in prescribed format
2.Link for additional information

The parameter of equality is deeply embedded within the teaching-learning ecosystem of Panjab University. We endeavor to ensure that each student who enrolls in our programmes achieves her/his full potential. We focus on exposing the students to the state-of-the-art both in terms of knowledge levels and competitive environments so that we can produce ethically discerning and professionally competent individuals who come to learn and go to serve.

At the same time, we also realize that not all students enjoy an equal level of learning and imbibing felicity. Many times the unequal learning capacities and abilities of the student are a factor of the diverse socio-cultural, economic, regional and ethnic backgrounds of the students. We at Panjab University enroll students from all parts of India and sometimes even from other countries. Some of these students have had

their basic education with English as the medium of instruction while others have been educated in the vernacular medium. That is perhaps the first level of disparity in terms of learning abilities. This disparity, Panjab University has countered by allowing students to write their exams in any of the three languages: English, Punjabi and Hindi. Answer scripts are sent to evaluators well-versed in the language. This apart the University offers a number of special courses for developing writing skills. Soft skills modules that focus on developing a greater felicity in the use of the English language are also offered from time to time.

Another important hallmark of the Instruction System of Panjab University is the Honors School System. The Honors school system completed 100 years of its existence in 2019. An integrated five-year programme offering BSc (Honors) as well as an MSc (Honors), it is a programme that caters to the abilities of the more advanced learners. As against the B.Sc/B.A. (Pass Course) Programme which is oriented towards relatively slow learners, the Honors School Programme allows students with advanced learning abilities to achieve higher levels of academic excellence.

All departments of the University run the Mentor-mentee programme which allows students to share their individual experiences as well as challenges within the teaching-learning system with their teacher mentors.. Remedial lessons are imparted during the Tutorials held once a week for every course. Slow learners are also encouraged to learn using self-learning materials, e-resources and bridge courses. Even during classroom interaction, teachers take care that their lecture is understood by the slow learner and appreciated by the advanced learner, whereas for bright students’ mentors/teachers provide reference and advance books/ e-books/ journals etc, exposure to new tools/software, encouraged to take additional R& D projects. Panjab University runs an exclusive Centre for IAS and Other Competitive Examinations, Centre for Industry Institute Partnership Programme (CIIPP), Technology Enabling Centre (TEC) of Panjab University is a project sponsored by Department of Science & Technology (DST) to help aspirants in various fields and provide a platform to network researchers with other institutes, National laboratories and industry. The main focus of the university is to provide an enabling eco system, process and support system.

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Link For Additional Information:

Home Page Centre for IAS & Other Competitive Examination

Home Page of Centre for Industry Institute Partnership Programme

Technology Enabling Centre, Panjab University Number of employed learners enrolled at DDE  year – wise over the last five years

HEI Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
2125 2263 5977 3993 1978

Attached Documents :

1.Institutional data in prescribed format
2.Any additional information
3.Link for additional information Number of learners from special target groups enrolled at DDE year – wise over the last five years

HEI Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
6457 6475 6271 5964 6771

Attached Documents :

1.Institutional data in prescribed format
2.Any additional information
3.Link for additional information

The student-centric curriculum followed by Panjab University enables the student as a problem solver to broaden their mental horizon and increase their knowledge base so that they become conceptually clear and able to apply that knowledge for the solution of their own as well as social, and technical problems and to

covers the teaching-learning gaps.

The Panjab University curriculums are structured in such a way that each concept starts with a problem description, and students put theory into practice by applying critical methods of experiential and participative learning. Each course ensures the active participation of students. The university has adopted various hands-on student-centric methodologies. Across programmes at Panjab University, diverse strategies are used to enhance the learning experience of students. Even within the conventional lecture format, an attempt is made to use the free associative technique which helps to integrate inputs and experiences with discussions, interactions and dialogue.

Experiential Learning:

The Lab work is designed/assigned in such a way that each student has been given an opportunity for experiential learning in the maximum departments which is also assessed one way or the other.

Presentations by the students are required in each of the courses and the same is also the parts of marks to be awarded for internal assessment.

Field trips / school visits/ Industrial visits/ Institutional visits are organized for students by all the departments to give an exposure to learning beyond the scope of classroom/laboratory training .

Internships/ community awareness is integrated into the programme structure of both UG and PG programmes and they are part of the assessment also, wherever applicable

Poster presentations, Quiz/ paper presentations and Model Making are regular activities organized for students by all the departments.

PhD students are assigned classes, normally less than 5 hours per week, which enhance their experiential learning

Participative learning

Case Study/ project work analysis is a regular student-centric method adopted to enable education, sociology, social work, Management students, community education, disability studies etc. to analyse trends in education, society, and community to prepare models for the future. The learning outcomes of these activities are discussed and shared with the entire class.

Through group discussions/seminars also, the students learn in a participative manner. Students are got involved in the organization of seminars/workshops/conferences and various other programmes.

There is the provision of involving the students in various bodies including the Court, the Academic Council, YRC, NSS and the Quality Advisory Council of the University through which the participative learning of the students is enriched.

Short Film Making, play, drama, theatre, newspaper development, musical compositions etc. helps students of Mass Communication, the department of the Indian theatre department of music, language department to express their creativity in visualization, documentation framing and concept creation in an effective manner

Problem-solving methodologies

Along with classroom teaching and laboratory- experiment-based learning, students are involved in research projects in the field which helps and enhance their real-life problem-solving abilities.

Assignments are given so that students enhance their hands-on experience in problem-solving.

Quiz contests and snap tests are also conducted from time to time to keep the students in a competitive environment and to check the overall progress of the class.

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Panjab University has a fully wired and Wi-Fi-enabled campus which is well connected to National Knowledge Network (NKN) with high network bandwidth. The University Computer Center has established a 10 Gigabit campus-wide Network to provide high-speed connectivity to various departments. Almost all the departments are connected through optical fiber and are Wi-Fi enabled and students can access the internet free of cost with a hardware fire-wall installed at the Computer Centre with three wide area network links of 1 Gbps (NKN), 1 Gbps (NME-ICT), 165 Mbps (1:1) (Reliance).Along with ICT tools like Video conferring and fully digitally equipped seminar rooms, Projectors, Desktop/Laptops, network and multi-functional printers, smart boards and digital library resources, several computing laboratories are also available for students and research scholars. In addition, the latest storage device, e- mail Servers, and web servers are hosted at computer centre which connected students across the country to the university during the pandemic time. The faculty members of the departments adopt various innovative teaching and Learning methodologies to create an effective environment for students. These methodologies include chalk and talk, power point presentations, collaborative learning, video lectures (NPTEL, MOOCS etc.), and problem/project-based learning. University has been using online platforms such as Google Classroom, Zoom, and Cisco Webex. These have gained immense popularity during the lockdown period and have been optimally utilized for imparting quality education. Faculty have been provided G-Suite accounts free of cost with huge storage space which enables active and collaborative learning among students.

Learning Management Systems(LMS) like Google Classroom and Moodle have also been used for quality interactive teaching in which there is a focus on sharing learning and course materials, course- related information, quizzes and tests etc. The Digital library of Panjab University has been widely accessed by students, teachers and researchers. E-journals and E-books from international publishers such as Elsevier, Wiley, Pearson, Sage etc. are available. The centralized computer centre has hosted network- based computing software for scientists and social Scientists. The students learn software programmes of high standards such as CASA, MATHEMATICA, SPSS for graphing and data analysis, COREL DRAW, TUKA CAD, MS OFFICE and Fashion Studio. Virtual Labs are used for simulation and media lab facilities have been developed to create video lectures which are uploaded on appropriate platforms. Free courses were provided by Coursera for university campus students across all disciplines. Many of them also enroll for online MOOC courses at NPTEL, SWAYAM, etc. The number of guest lectures, invited talks, and national and international conferences on the current trends are being arranged regularly in blended mode with the help of different ICT tools that help the students to understand the concepts beyond the curriculum. Online examinations were conducted during the Covid period for all students of the University and affiliated and constituent colleges located in Chandigarh and Punjab. Currently also proctored examinations in online mode are being conducted for students in Afghanistan. Many departments are equipped with e-academic software which helps faculty to upload examination marks and attendance and facilitates students and parents to get all their academic information on the portal.

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Link For Additional Information:

Link of Panjab University Moodle


Link of Learning Level Resources

E-Learning Platforms List

Process followed for development of Self-Learning Material
The process of development of Self Learning Mode is initiated with finalization of the UG,PG, Diploma and Certificate courses syllabi by the statutory bodies of the university

The department identifies the outside experts based on their specialization. Experts and the faculty members of the department are allotted the themes for developing our lessons.

All these prospective writers are invited for training workshops which help in initiating them into the processes and demands of the work to be done.

Many workshops were organized by USOL where ODL experts from reputed national institutes interacted with faculty members. During these workshops, the standardized structure of SLM was developed which essentialized that the lessons should be self explanatory, self-contained, illustrative, easily comprehensible and in manageable modules such as units and blocks.

Subsequently, the text development of the lessons is done as per the norms decided upon. It is followed by review of the lessons developed by subject experts.
Vetting of the lessons is done by a different set of experts. These are further subjected to the third party academic audit by the committees of the faculty members drawn from within and outside the department.

After their approval, the draft is presented before Centre of Internal Quality Assurance for approval.

The lesson production committee of the department takes care of the printing of the lessons for dissemination.

In whole of the process, the feedback of the previous year students remain central for consideration so as to limit the problems in the lessons to the minimum in future.


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Policy document on SLM View Document Number of learning material of the DDE digitized and the SLMs uploaded on the website / Online Repository / e-content app / LMS for their availability to the learners year – wise over the last five years

HEI Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
27 25 25 25 22

Attached Documents :

Institutional data in prescribed format
Digital repository of SLMs at DDE

Link For Additional Information:

Study Material (e-SLMs) UG Link

Study Material (e-SLMs) PG Link

At USOL Personal Contact Programmes (PCPs) are organized for all the programmes offered by it. The duration of PCP varies are per the mandate of Regulatory bodies. In general, PCP classes are conducted for a period of six to fifteen days (4-7 hours per day) per semester for different programmes. Attendance is mandatory during PCP in each semester.


PCP schedule is intimated in advance in the Prospectus of the respective session as well as on USOL website. Time-tables are also uploaded on the notice board and on the website. Students are oriented towards the requirements of the programmes during orientation sessions and also by sending them the schedules and time-tables through e-mails.


Besides the full-time dedicated faculty, academic counselors from regular departments of the University as well as from the affiliated colleges are invited to take classes during PCPs. Besides, expert lectures are also organized for the students by inviting senior professors of the parent university, other universities and also experts working in the field (such as CEOs for M.B.A. students, Senior Officers from Defence force for Defence students and others also, school Principals and Counselors for B.Ed. students, Writers and Poets for Language students, etc.).


During PCPs, a variety of teaching techniques are used to ensure maximum participation by the learners. These techniques include interactive lectures using Questioning, Discussions, Student Seminars, Projects, Quizzes etc. Teachers also use ICT during teaching-learning sessions in the form of PPTs, Audios, Videos etc. Apart from provisioning study material covering the whole syllabi, teachers recommend many reference books, journals, and other online resources for additional readings. Teachers even take students to the departmental library as the USOL library is enriched with around one lac books, encyclopedias, a number of journals and educational magazines.


Besides PCP classes, students are allowed to consult the teachers physically in the department on all working days and also online through e-mails, WhatsApp etc. for their academic queries. Teachers also

send the relevant material to students through e-mails.


Along with PCPs, USOL organizes workshops for students for development of employability skills and other competencies. During workshops, soft skills, interview skills, ICT skills are taught by experts from the field. Career orientation programmes are conducted to widen the outlook of the students about the world of work. To unfold and nurture the creativity among students, co-curricular activities are conducted regularly. For promoting the writing skills, Creative Writing Competition is organized annually. Students may participate in Essay, Story or Poetry writing competition in three languages (Hindi/English/Punjabi). Students are also encouraged to write articles for USOL magazine. Besides, ‘Hunar’and Sports Day is also our annual feature. A number of competitions are organized during Hunar, a two-days affair. Through Hunar, students’ horizon of thinking, their speaking skills (debates), their promptness to respond (extempore), creativity in designing (best out of waste, rangoli etc.) photography skills, poetry recitation skills are encouraged and nurtured. For stimulating physical fitness and mental wellness, USOL organizes Sports Day as well as Yoga and Meditation day. Besides all this, important days are also celebrated. Sensitivity to society is also instilled by encouraging participation in NSS programmes.


As a result, our primary goal is to help our distance learners develop holistically, and we make every effort to do so.

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Link for schedules of different counselling activities View Document
Link for additional information View Document Number of full time teachers receiving awards from state /national /international level from Government/Govt. recognized bodies year wise during the last five years

HEI Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
113 112 116 122 123

Recommended Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
59 108 87 98 102
Remark :

DVV has made the changes as per shared clarification.

Attached Documents :

1.Institutional data in prescribed format
2.e-copies of award letters (scanned or soft copy) Number of the sanctioned posts occupied by full-time teachers and other academics respectively at DDE year wise during the last five years

HEI Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
30 34 38 41 42 Number of sanctioned posts in DDE

HEI Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
71 71 71 71 71

Attached Documents :

1.List of the faculty members authenticated by the Registrar of the University
2.Details of full time teachers and other academics As per Data Template Number of empanelled Academic Counsellors having more than five years of teaching experience for the preceding academic year.

HEI Input :
192 Number of academic counsellors for the preceding academic year in DDE

HEI Input :

Attached Documents :

1.List of Academic Counsellors with details of total teaching experience for the preceding academic year (As per data template) Number of days from the date of last semester-end/ year- end examination till the declaration of results year wise during the last  five years

HEI Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
59 65 59 62 73

Attached Documents :

1.List of Programmes and date of last semester and date of declaration of results
2.Any additional information Number of complaints/grievances about evaluation year wise during the last five years

HEI Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
1 1 2 0 2

Attached Documents :

1.Number of complaints and total number of students appeared year wise
2.Any additional information

The Panjab University has a fully functional centralized automated Examination system which has resulted in quality improvement and accuracy both in the Examination as well as Evaluation System. Centralized allocation of Pupin Number/Registration number is done for all students which is a unique PIN allotted to each student who is registered with Panjab University pursuing any course from any college or class affiliated with Panjab University (PU). This unique PIN is allotted only one time and lasts with the student throughout their course. Availability of E-admit card / Roll Number and Examination centre to all categories of students is done through a portal after online submission of both, Examination fees and Examination Eligibility report. The University has an exhaustive Examination web portal ugexam.puchd.ac.in and pgexam.puchd.ac.in for all Undergraduate(UG), Postgraduate(PG) and Professional courses. Online collection of Internal Assessment and External practical awards from all PU affiliated Colleges and Departments is facilitated through the portal only. There is centralized results tabulation portal for result preparation, gazette printing, and DMC printing.


PU Results Web portal http://results.puchd.ac.in is the platform for online availability of all kinds of PU results i.e., all Main results (semester or any other), Entrance Results, Revaluation Results, Topper Lists, Pass Percentage of all results, College Gazettes & subsequent notifications of pending results. There is a dedicated Online Re-evaluation System for UG, PG, and Professional Courses. Provisional DMCs are available on the PU results on the website along with facilitation of process regarding web-based re-issue (Duplicate) Degrees and Provisional Degree system, Medal, Certificate Endowment, etc. A centralized degree printing portal with photographs and QR Codes on non-tearable stationery is very much in place. University has an QR-based online degree verification System.


Online Transcript Verification System https://transcript.puexam.in has been helping thousands of students every year with the facility of online processing of requests. Panjab University has a web Portal http://examiners.puchd.ac.in/ for appointments of Sub-Examiner/ Head-Examiner for all UG and PG Examinations, Flying Squad and Centre Superintendents. There is an automatic generation of unique Examiner IDs and the printing of Examiner ID cards for all PU teachers through the Examiner Portal. Seniority-wise generation of examiner list for spot evaluation and online intimation to the examiner for spot evaluation is done through Examiner Portal.


A web portal http://migration.pu.ac.in has been developed for the printing of migration certificates. A web interface https://online.puexam.in was developed for the Online Conduct of Examinations during COVID-19 for sessions in September 2020 Exit classes (approx. 80000 candidates), February/March 2021 (approx.2.7 lac candidates), June/July 2021 (approx. 2.25 lac candidates) and January/February 2022 (approx. 2.5 lac candidates). Environment Education qualifying examination was conducted in Objective/MCQ format online mode through Google Form for approximately 60000 students in each session in September 2020, March 2021, August 2021, and August 2022. Online availability of digitized degrees on the National Academic Depository (NAD) is a 24X7 online storehouse of all academic awards with a digital signature. The Panjab University has also done registration on the Digilocker-NAD Platform as per UGC Guidelines for making available academic awards which will help in validating their authenticity, safe storage, and easy retrieval. Approximately 3200 Ph.D. Degrees have been activated on the NAD portal.

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USOL follows the evaluation methodology specified by Statutory bodies of Panjab University as mentioned in PU Calendars and Syllabus of all the programmes approved by subject specific Board of Studies.


The following are the highlights of our policy on Evaluation Methodology –


USOL follows the guidelines issued by the Panjab University considering the norms of UGC, DEB & NCTE from time to time with regard to the conduct of examinations. Evaluation includes Continuous / Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment. The weightage range for formative assessment is 10%-30% for all the programmes.


The formative assessment at DDE is done majorly through Assignments. In some programmes like B.Ed.,

M.A. (Education), some diplomas and certificate programmes, some courses at Undergraduate level, other assessment tools are used. These include house tests, practicals, projects, fieldwork, internships, class discussions etc. These are course specific. Feedback is provided to the students after all the activities.



The following are the highlights of DDE’s policy on Evaluation Methodology –


DDE adopts the guidelines issued by the UGC, DEB & NCTE from time to time with regard to the conduct of examinations. Evaluation includes Continuous / Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment. The weightage range for formative assessment is 10%-30% for all the programmes.


The formative assessment at DDE is done majorly through Assignments. In some programmes like B.Ed.,

M.A. (Education), some diplomas and certificate programmes, some courses at Undergraduate level, other assessment tools are used. These include house tests, practicals, projects, fieldwork, internships, class discussions etc. These are course specific. Feedback is provided to the students after all the activities.


The Program Syllabi, USOL Prospectus, and Academic Calendar (all materials are available on the USOL/Panjab University website) specifically define the scheme of continuous (internal) assessment for each and every program. Accordingly, students have to work and submit it by the specified time. In case, students can not submit the same due to some reasons, they are given another chance. The scores obtained by students in internal assessment is displayed on e-notice board of USOL. In case, students feel any discrepancy, they are free to ask about it from their evaluators and their doubts and discrepancy are cleared out. Transparency is kept for internal assessment. Students are free to ask about these.


After this, final assessment scores are submitted to the examination branch of Panjab University. The internal awards are uploaded on the local network of Examination branch of Panjab University or sent to this branch through official channel in print form.

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Methodology of DDE

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The courses at Panjab University focus on development of aptitude, skills, ability and capacity in the students to achieve excellence in employment, leadership, research, development of critical thinking, ethics, responsible citizenship, social cum political awareness, legal awareness, engineering, managerial and public healthcare skills, business, language and communication skills. Learning outcomes of the Programs and Courses have been very well defined and communicated to all teachers and students for ensuring their proper implementation. Information about the Programme outcomes, Programme specific

outcomes and course outcomes are available in copy of the syllabi (hard copy format in departmental office, soft copy format uploaded on the university website )  about  each discipline. All students are apprised time-to-time about the learning outcomes of their programme starting right from their admission during the compulsory Orientation programs . Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the University also sensitizes the concerned stakeholders regarding achieving the desired learning outcomes.

Programme specific outcomes are designed to address various aspects involving the ability of the students to Pursue higher education; Serve the society; Identify, formulate and solve multidisciplinary problems; Undertake industrial problems; Handle projects; Manage and lead the teams; Be professionals in industry of repute; Communicate well and have good entrepreneurship skills; Initiate and sustain start-ups; Perform well in higher educational institutes; Advance further in research organizations; Be a good leader in national and international socio-economic-political scenario; Designing solutions for public health and safety with cultural, societal, environmental and sustainable development based considerations; Forecast future directions based on interpretation of existing scenarios; Excel ethically in each profession; and Engage in independent and life-long learning.

These outcomes are assessed through different techniques including but not limited to Mid-Term examinations (Minor-1 and Minor-2 examinations), Assignments and Quizzes (Such as multiple choice questions as well as short and long term answers based questions), End-Term Examination (Also known as University Examination for theory based subjects), Re-appear examination (For those candidates who are not able to clear their examinations in their first attempt due to either shortage of attendance or marks), Practical Assessment, Project Work Assessment, Oral presentations (Particularly, Masters students and research scholars are encouraged to present their research or review papers in reputed conferences for which University also helps in the form of reimbursement of the registration fee),Seminars, Internships Assessment, Competitive Events such as employability tests, debates and discussions, mock-tests, creative writing competitions (Students are also motivated to published their papers in reputed journals with high impact factor), start-up idea competitions, Skill developments tests including hands-on working, case studies, mooc courts (specifically applicable for students studying the law related subjects), field visits (specifically applicable for students related to the anthropology based subjects and social science field) and field-work based practical classes, Student awareness seminars (specifically done through the National Cadet Corps and National Service Scheme such as improving awareness about the various social causes etc.), career counselling sessions(such as sensitizing the students about different career options available after completing the course, GATE, GMAT options) etc. Cultural competitive events also play an important role in assessing the outcomes related to the personality related skills attained by the students.

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The course outcomes are assessed using multiple strategies appropriate to various learning objectives. Theoretical gains are tested at regular intervals using snap tests, mid-semester and end-semester examination. Additionally, discussions, presentations and term paper assignments are reliable, time-tested tools to assess learning outcomes. Many Departments also have self-assessment by students. At the beginning of each lesson, expected learning outcomes are specified and in between there are selfassessment questions/ activities designed to test expected learning outcomes. As the student progress through the lesson, they assess their learning by attempting self-assessment questions/ activities. This is most effective for self-motivation and learning. Further details about different assessment methods are as follows:

Mid-Term examination: Mid-Term examinations (Minor-1 and Minor-2 examinations) are a part of Internal Assessment. Each Mid-Term examination carries a weightage allocated for concerned Theory subject.

Assignments and Quizzes: Assignments and Quizzes are also a part of Internal Assessment and carry a weightage in total marks allocated for concerned Theory subject. Nature of assignments may involve different types of tasks such as discussion, presentations, etc. Besides, tutorials, class room discussions and seminar papers also play an important role in assessing students. In some of the department’s projects and practical work also help to assess course outcomes in some specific courses.

End-Term Examination: End-Term Examination (Also known as University Examination) is conducted once per course. Question paper for such exam is set by paper-setters proposed by the concerned Board of Studies which is composed of subject experts from among Panjab University departmental faculty, faculty from regional centres, faculty from constituent colleges, industry personnel. Students are given flexibility to Re-appear in any course exam if they are not able to clear it in first attempt.

Practical Assessment: Most of the Theory subjects have a Practical, that is evaluated on a continuous basis. Practical files are also used in the evaluation process. Overall assessment is based on practical performance of the students in the laboratory, number of experiments performed, practical viva-voce, written report/record of the experiments and regularity (attendance) in the class.

Project Work Assessment: Students are motivated to develop good projects whose evaluation is done jointly by departmental project committee, concerned supervisor/s and external experts. Students are asked to present their work through oral presentations and showcase their designed products etc. during such evaluations.

Internships Assessment: Students are encouraged to take up internships, projects, fieldworks preferably at industries. Assessment is jointly done by the Industrial Supervisors and Departmental Faculty members on project basis. Mid-term viva and final viva-voce is also conducted for such evaluations.

Competitive Events: Events like employability tests, debates and discussions, mock-tests, creative writing competitions, start-up idea competitions, cultural competitions etc. are conducted to assess the quality of skills attained by the students. Start-up cell also organizes start-up competitions and encourages students to initiate and incubate their start-up ideas at institute level.

Others: Skill developments tests including hands-on working, case studies, mooc courts, field visits and field-work based practical classes are utilized in assessing the students’ performance under real life scenarios. Student awareness seminars, counselling sessions are organized to ensure the attainment of some course outcomes.

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Paste link for Additional Information View Document Total number of final year students  who passed the university examination

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5213 Total number of final year students who appeared for the examination conducted by the Institution.

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DVV has made the changes as per shared clarification.

Attached Documents :

1.Upload list of Programmes and number of students passed and appeared in the final year examination
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3.Paste link for the annual report

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Important Links
