Panjab University envisions being a premier world-class institution, developing and disseminating transformative knowledge “to create future intellectuals, leaders and innovators”. It seeks to address

societal needs and challenges and provide equal access and treatment and a safe environment free of discrimination and inequality.

Its mission thus includes offering teaching programmes in line with national and global priorities. Research collaborations – across disciplines, intra/inter-institutional, national and international – are the cornerstone of this structure.

Transparency, efficiency, accountability in administration; decentralization and autonomy of departments are the keys to good governance.

The Panjab University Calendar comprehensively prescribes the governance structure of the University and the rules and regulations for all aspects of its functioning. The norms and standards for various activities of the university are set by the competent authority such as Senate, syndicate etc.

The Senate, a democratic body comprising elected and nominated members representing all stakeholders, governs the University. The Senate has the power to review the recommendations of the syndicate and the academic council.  They meet quarterly; its annually elected Syndicate meets monthly.

The Vice-Chancellor provides academic leadership and evolved strategies for the academic growth of the university in association with the senate, syndicate, DUI, Registrar, COE, FDO, and Dean of various Faculties, etc. The Dean of University Instruction (DUI) is the Academic Head and works as a nodal centre to scrutinize, supervise and synergize academic and administrative activities of teaching departments of Panjab University and its Regional Centres.

The Registrar heads the Administration of the university in all legal proceedings except where the Senate otherwise resolves to the contrary.

The apex academic body is the Academic Council. Every Academic Faculty has an elected Dean. The Dean College Development Council (DCDC) oversees the affiliated colleges. The Controller of Examinations (COE) oversees the mammoth examination machinery. The Finance and Development Officer (FDO) is a qualified Chartered Accountant.

Dean Alumni Relations and Dean International Students liaise with the rich alumni base of the University and the international students. The residential, social and cultural needs of the students are looked after by the Dean of Student Welfare.

Deans of various faculties duly elected for one year term is instrumental in over-viewing the changes and

updation of the syllabus after the same has been sent by the Board of Studies to the respective Faculties. Deans are also an important part of the Career Advancement Schemes of respective faculties, besides playing a vital role in committees constituted for research development and grants in their respective faculties. Panjab University has eleven faculties, i.e.,  Faculty of Arts; Science; Business Management and Commerce; Education; Languages; Law; Medical Sciences; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Design and Fine Arts; and Dairying, Animal Husbandry and Agriculture.

The University leadership encourages and grooms younger faculty to take up management roles through the co-option of faculty in various committees and offering them positions of responsibility (like Coordinators, Associate Directors, Deputy Directors, Secretary of faculty, etc.). The success of this experiment is evident from the fact that most of the younger faculty who joined PU in the early years of their career are currently holding positions of Deans and Directors. This has helped in managing continuity and change.

To promote excellence in research, the University has initiated several mechanisms like seed money grants, travel grants, and funding support for conferences, seminars, and workshops over the years.

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Cardinal Principles governing educational administration at Panjab University are to promote learning keeping in view the concern for Access, Equity, Quality, Relevance and Value based Education. This is reflected through promotion of dynamic, decentralized and transparent governance system centric to students, teachers and goals of Panjab University.

The University at present has 74 departments/institutes/centres and 6 chairs for teaching and research at the main campus located at Chandigarh. The University at present has 202 affiliated colleges spread over various pans of Punjab and has four Regional Centers, at Kauni (rural), Muktsar, Ludhiana and Hoshiarpur. It has six constituent colleges located at Sikhwala (Sri Muktsar Sahib), Balachaur (SBS Nagar), Nihal Singh Wala (Moga), Dharamkot (Moga), Mohkam Khan Wala (Ferozepur) and Guru Harsahai (Ferozepur).

The University follows a decentralized and participative management approach in all academic and administrative activities, initiatives and decision-making by involving Deans, Heads of Departments and faculty members at all levels. The constitution of various statutory bodies speak evidently of the participative nature of management even at the highest levels. The system provides for the continuous involvement of all important functionaries and the faculty in decision-making and policy formulation, as also in the formulation of academic, research, and extension programmes. 

The Panjab University Senate, its governing body, has 46 elected members representing all stakeholders of the University including teachers of the University and its affiliated colleges, college principals, academic faculties, registered graduates and civil society.

All academic decisions are initiated at individual departments where the various committees (academic, administrative and technical) include faculty members at all rungs of seniority. An elected Board of Studies (BoS) recommends curriculum to its Academic Faculty. Academic faculties are headed by elected Deans and include Professors, Chairpersons and elected members to deliberate these and recommend to the apex Academic body, i.e., the Academic Council.

Administrative decisions are taken by a number of committees comprising faculty members from the University as well as affiliated colleges. These include the Regulation Committee, the Affiliation Committee and the Board of Finance.

PU administration has a healthy tradition of conducting regular meetings with the Chairpersons on various aspects of academic and administration, including acedmic scheduling, information sharing on best practices, identifying areas for improvement and feedback analysis.

Representatives of the duly elected Teachers Association and the Non-teaching Staff are invited to many of the important committees of the university, including being nominated to the Senate.

Student participation is ensured through an elected Student Council as per the norms of the Lyngdoh Committee. Students are involved in the framing and revision of Syllabi and their representative is allowed to witness Senate Meetings. Students are included in various committees including the Grievance Cell, Placement Cell, Committee against Sexual Harassment and Committee for prevention of Ragging. Duly elected student Departmental Representatives are also involved in student related activities.

Thus, PU has Developed Decentralised Educational Management which promotes dynamic, decentralized and transparent governance system centric to aspirations of students, industry, society and faculty through restructuring and reengineering. Focus of this process is on devolution of administrative powers with a strong focus on e-governance.

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The institute has a student-centric approach and stakeholders are the final beneficiaries of these developments. Activities are planned at the beginning of every academic year through Academic Calendar

and suggestions are sought from faculty members. Keeping with this objective, Panjab University has provided its teachers, research scholars and students on-campus as well as off-campus access to all its e-resources.

The e-library of Panjab University powered by K-nimbus has rich collection of e-resources and databases. The provision of e-library services has improved the research output of Panjab University, visible in the sustained quantum as well as the quality of publications. At the planning stage itself, importance was given to developing a Multidisciplinary innovation ecosystem, which would lead to an incubation centre at an institutional level, project-based learning for students and high-quality research and entrepreneurship. Towards attaining the above-mentioned goals, the university began working towards building an IRINS Portal, having user  friendly features.

PU@IRINS Portal is a joint venture of INFLIBNET and our university where all details regarding publications and citations of Panjab University faculty members have been integrated in a single window. IRINS is a web-based Research Information Management (RIM) service developed by the Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre. The portal facilitates academic, R&D organizations and scientists to collect, curate and showcase scholarly communication activities and provides an opportunity to create a scholarly network. IRINS is available as free software-as-service to academic and R&D organizations in India. It supports the integration of existing research management systems such as the HR system, course management, grant management system, institutional repository, open and commercial citation databases, scholarly publishers, etc.

It has integrated with academic identities such as ORCID ID, ScopusID, Research ID, Microsoft Academic ID, and Google Scholar ID for ingesting scholarly publications from various sources.

In PU@IRINS, profiles of 923 academicians of PU which include serving and retired faculty members, scientists, library professionals, etc. have been created. The portal has many unique and distinct features, including networking of faculty through a co-author network, map of science network and graphical representation of the productivity of the department and individual faculty members. It has multiple benefits for researchers, institutions and funding agencies who wish to collaborate with us.

For research scholars, it is very beneficial to find supervisors for their research work and research focus of the department/centre of PU where they wish to enrol themselves for PhD work. It supports the faculty members by showcasing their research contributions to the peer group, international community and brings funding opportunities from national and international agencies.

This portal provides a department-level h-index and research contributions of their faculty members which can help the university administration assess the research performance of their respective departments for better decision-making and funding.

PU has taken initiative to develop a system of mentorship by creating a database of distinguished faculty members.  This is also in consonance with the recommendations of National Educational Policy, 2020 and the mandate of the UGC for faculty to register on VIDWAN and IRINS portals for any research funding.

So, building this portal is also a great step for the university to implement one of the recommendations of NEP 2020 and comply with the UGC notification.

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PU has a robust system, wherein various activities of the University are governed by the Acts, Statutes and rules/regulations/ordinances framed over time. These are well documented and have been frequently revised/updated to conform to the dynamic nature of educational administration. These have been incorporated in the three volumes of Panjab University Calender.

The institutional bodies of Panjab University ranging from the Senate and Syndicate to its Academic Council, Faculties, Departments, Institutes and Centers, and its administrative organs including the verticals of Examination, Finance, Establishment, General Administration and College Branch are all functioning as per the rules and regulations laid down in the Calendar of Panjab University. The Senate has the entire management of, and superintendence over the affairs, concerns and property of the University.

The Calendar is amended as and when required with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Government of India, as Panjab University is Inter-State Body Corporate. Hon’ble Vice President of India is the Chancellor of Panjab University. The University follows the Punjab State Service Rules in matters where the Calendar is silent.

All established procedures, as laid down in the founding statutes of the University, are adhered to in letter and spirit.

The procedures for appointment and promotion of the teaching faculty are adopted from notifications and amendments received from time to time from the University Grants Commission in toto. The same is routinely circulated among the faculty and duly displayed on the website of the Dean University Instruction as well as the Director of Research and Development.

The Senate and Syndicate ensure that all provisions of UGC Act, the Statutes and the Regulations are observed and also the guidelines from the regulatory authorities like AICTE/NCTE/DCI. The University keeps a constant watch on the organizational needs through regular consultative meetings, thereby monitoring the functions of various divisions / constituents of the University more efficiently.

The three bodies i.e. Senate, Syndicate and Academic Council have adequate representation from the divergent set of stakeholders namely University faculty, affiliated college principals and faculty, academic administration as well as eminent personalities of society. This diversity in the higher bodies enables the leadership to interact with the stakeholders and in identifying the organizational needs. It also promotes a culture of participative management.

The educational administration of University is vested in the officers of the University: ViceChancellor, Dean of University Instruction, Registrar, Finance and Development Officer (FDO), Controller of Examinations, Dean of Students Welfare (Men), Dean of Student Welfare (Women), Dean of College Development Council, Dean of different faculties, Director Research and Development Cell, Dean International Students, Dean Alumni Relations and Chief of University Security etc.

The decentralised structure of the university ensures that the individual Departments are managed in a participative manner through its academic, administrative and technical committees, which meet on regular basis to ensure futuristic vision and  resolution of grievances, if any.

PU makes earnest efforts to offer all due benefits to both the teaching and administrative staff through a transparent selection procedures and timely promotions.In the year (2020-21) more than a hundred teachers were promoted under Career Advancement Scheme despite the challenging situation that had developed in the wake of COVID-19. 

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Creating a positive and enabling environment for the professional growth of both teaching and nonteaching employees is the guiding principle of the university administration.

The teaching faculty is governed by the regulations and notifications issued by the UGC/MHRD. The UGC Career Advancement Scheme is the basis of their periodic performance appraisal as well as promotions. The University strictly adheres to such parameters. Another method of appraising teachers’ performance is through feedback from students. The PBAS laid down by the UGC/MHRD has been adapted to represent the specifics and standards of the Panjab University system. The University’s effort is to facilitate the career and professional growth of its faculty and keep them motivated. It also supports the career growth of teachers by providing them with financial assistance to purchase books and attend seminars/ conferences both in India and abroad. This financial assistance is allocated through a duly constituted committee comprising the teaching faculty.

For the non-teaching staff, performance appraisal is done through a transparent ACR system. Their promotions are based on clear rules and regulations of the University, through duly constituted committees of the university. The grievances of the staff are also addressed through such medium.

Welfare measures such as medical aid through Bhai Ghanaiya Ji Institute of Health caters to the Medical needs of about 50,000 Employees and their dependents, students of all Departments, all boys and girls residing in hostels, daily wagers, contractual employees, Mess and Canteen workers. This Institute of health centre and Directorate of Sports provide Yoga classes and general Specialist consultation in different fields of Medicine.

University organizes different Conferences, seminars, Sports events and many other health-related activities including Medical examinations of students and employees on regular basis. Free medical checkups and investigation camps, Lectures on health and well-being as well as Yoga Camps are organized regularly.

Other welfare measures like reimbursement, leave benefits, on-campus residential accommodation and Festival loan for non-teaching employees are disbursed transparently and efficiently for all staff. Leave Travel Concession (LTC) benefits the employees in the form of either one month salary or reimbursement of expenditure on Leave Travel, if bills are submitted.

PU has employee friendly policies including Child Care Leave to female employees for two surviving children upto the age of 18 years, Faculty Club facilities, Faculty House/guest house facility, University Holiday homes at Shimla and Dalhousie (H.P.).

PU campus is self-contained as there is a Bank, Post-office and shopping complex and canteen facilities available near every department.

Sports facilities including all-weather swimming pool, Shooting Range, Multipurpose Gym, playgrounds, Lawn-tennis, Volleyball, Basket Ball Courts, Cricket and Hockey grounds are available at the university campus.

Excellent school and creche facilities are available within the campus to Employees’ children.

Social security measures in the form of pensioner benefits, Provident Fund facility, gratuity and retiral benefits for employees in the service of the University before and after 2006, respectively, also provided.

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HEI Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
66 103 310 279 302

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1.Institutional data in prescribed format
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3.View Document Total number of professional development /administrative training Programmes organized by the institution for teaching and non teaching staff year-wise during the last five years

HEI Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
77 46 61 52 40

Attached Documents :

1.Reports of the Human Resource Development Centres (UGC ASC or other relevant centres)
2.Reports of Academic Staff College or similar centers
3.Institutional data in prescribed format Total number of  teachers attending professional development Programmes, viz., Orientation Programme, Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Programmes year wise during last five years

HEI Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
276 273 325 290 250

Attached Documents :

1.Reports of the Human Resource Development Centres (UGC ASC or other relevant centers)
2.IQAC report summary
3.Institutional data in prescribed format

The University has a well-structured institutional mechanism to monitor the effective and efficient use of Financial resources. In the terms of section 31(2)(r) of the Panjab University Act, 1947, the university has constituted a Board of Finance comprised of the following members:

  1. Vice-Chancellor, P.U., Chandigarh (Chairman)
  2. Principal Secretary to the Government of Punjab, Department of Finance, Chandigarh (Ex-officio).
  3. Joint Secretary, Deptt. of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi (Exofficio).
  4. Principal Secretary, Deptt. of Higher Education, Govt. of Punjab (Ex-officio).
  5. Finance Secretary, Chandigarh Administration, Chandigarh (Ex-officio).
  6. Dean University Instruction, P.U., Chandigarh.
  7. Two Members from Syndicate.
  8. Two Members from Senate.
  9. Registrar, P.U., Chandigarh (Secretary).

The Board of Finance periodically reviews the financial requirements of the University and suggests ways and means of its improvement and also makes recommendations to the Syndicate relating to the University finances.

The following are the specific measures being followed by the University for the effective and efficient use of financial resources.

1) A committee of senior faculty and administrative staff is constituted under the chairmanship of DUIto prepare budget estimates.

2) All the financial activities are planned by translating these requirements into an annual budget incorporating therein recurring and Non-recurring expenditures and the income expected to be generated from internal resources. The Board of Finance considers these budgetary requirements and, after careful examination, makes recommendations for its approval by the Governing Bodies of the University i.e. Syndicate and the Senate.

3) For day-to-day financial transactions, the University has prepared its Accounts Manual which provides the rules for making various expenditures following the principle of transparency, efficiency and fair procedure. The manual has distinctive features of providing detailed formats and the procedures so as to ensure transparency and timelines for various financial transactions. As per the government guidelines, PU makes purchases online through the GeM Portal.

4) The University has taken various measures for internal resource mobilization as below:

(a) The University has setup a Centre for Industry Institute Partnership Cell (CIIP) which gives a platform to the University faculty members not only to interact with industry by providing various kinds of consultancy services but also help to supplement the resource generation of the University.

(b) The University has been examining various government institutions including recruitment tests which help the University to mobilize extra resources. These consultancy services also help to develop liaison with the industry and governmental organizations.

(c) The University, through its strong alumni base, has been able to receive donations and contributions for the creation of endowments and specific projects.

(d) University has been registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as an eligible entity to carry out CSR Projects.

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Link for Additional Information View Document Total Funds / Grants received from government bodies for development and maintenance of infrastructure (not covered under Criteria III and V) year wise during the last five years (INR in Lakhs).

HEI Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
186.077 1031.078 758.2149 2869.463 1344.276

Recommended Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
56.32 852.31 465.32 1562.32 1302.32
Remark :

DVV has made the changes as per shared clarification.

Attached Documents :

1.Institutional data in prescribed format
2.Annual statements of accounts Total Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, Philanthropers year wise during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)

HEI Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
144.3057 96.5 7 116.8 115.6316

Recommended Input :

2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
144.3057 96.5 7.00 116.8 115.6316
Remark :

DVV has converted the value into lakhs.

Attached Documents :

1.Any additional information
2.Annual statements of accounts

The Budget of the University has been prepared in pursuance of the provisions contained in Chapter – II (A) (iii) of P.U. Calendar Volume – I of 2007. The total budget of the University mainly consists of four parts:

Part –I Maintenance Budget to be hereafter referred to as Revenue Account.

Part–II Income & Expenditure of Constituent Colleges which are fully funded by the State Govt. of Punjab.

Part–III Income & Expenditure of specific activities/works out of various earmarked funds established under the University rules.

Part–IV Accounts of sponsored Projects/Schemes sanctioned by various funding agencies/bodies such as UGC, DST, DBT, ICMR, various departments of States/Centre Governments etc.

The P.U. Chandigarh has a strong mechanism of two-tier independent and external audit as explained below:

1.Concurrent audit by resident audit team of the local Audit Department of U.T. Chandigarh, wherein each bill before it is paid, is pre-audited by an independent resident Government Auditor, i.e., Assistant Controller Local Audit (ACLA) deputed by the Finance Department, U.T. Chandigarh. No payment is drawn from the University Accounts unless the Audit Officer appointed on this behalf records pre-enforcement meant on the relevant bill. The Utilization certificate is also certified by the Examine, Local Funds Accounts or the Audit Officer empowered by him on this behalf in respect of grants-in-aid received from the funding sponsoring authorities.  Therefore, any objection to the payment gets settled before the release of the payment itself. The audit and Inspection Reports of the Examiner, Local Fund Accountants, and U.T. Chandigarh shall be given close and prompt attention at all stages.

2.Besides the above, the financial statement and books of accounts of the University are being audited on annual basis by CAG through the office of the Director General of Audit (Central), Chandigarh. The audited financial statements and reports of Audit are submitted before the statutory body of the University namely the Board of Finance (BOF). The Status of settled and pending audit paras are submitted to governing bodies of the University periodically.

3.To carry out specific activities and to meet various developmental expenditures, the University has established various earmarked funds such as Development Fund, Amalgamated Fund, Central Placement Fund and Foundation for Higher Education & Research Fund, etc. The expenditure out of these funds is made as per the utilization guidelines of the respective fund, duly approved by the Syndicate. The sources of income of these funds are development fees, amalgamated fees, interest earned on corpus, etc. The detailed head-wise provisions for each of these funds are given on Pages

– 89-182.

4.Sponsored Projects & Schemes: The financial status of Projects & Schemes sponsored by external agencies, including Govt. bodies (i.e., UGC, DBT, DST, ICMR, ICSSR etc.) as well as other agencies. The budget of various sponsored Projects & Schemes has been prepared based on provisions sanctioned by respective funding agencies over the tenure of a given project. The income under this account is utilized for the prescribed purposes of each Project/Scheme sanctioned by the funding agency. The excess of expenditure in a given year is to be met out of the unspent grant brought forward from previous financial years.

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IQAC, constituted in the University under the Chairmanship of the Vice Chancellor, functions as a nodal agency of the University for quality-related issues, with a clear mandate to develop measures for quality sustenance and enhancement. The cardinal principles of IQAC cell are to promote quality consciousness among all the stakeholders. It has evolved mechanisms to record and monitor the healthy practices adopted by the various wings of the University. The IQAC Cell also deliberates on various aspects of quality sustenance, quality enhancement and the action which can ensure the quality culture in PU and its various wings.

The University has a constant endeavour to ensure quality at various levels in the University and has been clearly stated in the Vision-2020 document of the University, which has now been thoroughly reviewed and revised as PU Vision-2025. The various wings of the University are empowered to formulate and implement the policies as per the rules of the University to maintain quality.

While following the bottom-up approach, the Boards of Studies of respective departments, Research Promotion Cells (RPC), Departmental Research Monitoring Committees (RMCs), Departmental

Committees and other stakeholders define and deploy the quality benchmarks. The IQAC on the University campus ensures the successful implementation of these policies and provides requisite information to facilitate decision making.

The following illustrations exhibit practices institutionalized at PU as a result of IQAC initiatives:

  1. Use and enrichment of ICT infrastructure for teaching-learning-administrative Processes:

The IQAC has been instrumental towards the successful implementation of modern technology in the University’s administrative functioning through ICT.

IQAC has developed Panjab University Information Resource Portal (IRP), which is an innovative way to collect and organize information from 74 teaching Departments as well as administrative organs.The details about the faculty and administration, can be accessed for quick decision making. This portal also helps IQAC to collect, organize and submit information to NIRF-MHRD, NAAC, AISHEMHRD, Times-Higher Education and QS World Rankings, a timely and efficient manner.

Automation of admission, financial and examination processes, and upgradation of Wi-Fi and LAN facilities have significantly contributed to an enhanced quality of teaching-learning experience.

Web Link for IRP at PU: (Intranet).

  1. Implementation of a Sound Feedback System

The IQAC collects the feedback of various stakeholders (Students, Teachers, Alumni, Employers and Parents) to assess outcomes of its teaching-learning processes and the performance of the students and teachers. Realizing the importance of feedback in teaching and research in the present-day competitive academic environment, the IQAC has evolved, identified and implemented a system of obtaining feedback from the stakeholders and prepare action taken reports, which are analysed at various fora, including meetings with the Chairpersons. In pursuance of the direction of the University, every effort is made to remain in touch with the stakeholders to collect as much feedback from them as possible to ensure commitment and sincerity among the academic community. The feedback received is scrutinized, analyzed and utilized for quality enhancement and improvement in various aspects such as curriculum enrichment, infrastructural facilities, augmentation of research facilities which result in student progression and enhancing societal contributions of the university. Weblink for Feedback forms are available on IQAC website.

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1. Academic Administrative Audit (AAA) and follow up action taken

2.Confernces, Seminars, Workshops on quality conducted

3. Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s)

4.Orientation programme on quality issues for teachers and students

5. Participation in NIRF

6.Any other quality audit recognized by state, national or international agencies (ISO Certification, NBA).

HEI Input :
A. Any 5 or more of the above

Attached Documents :

1.Upload e-copies of the accreditations and certifications
2.Institutional data in prescribed format
3.Paste web link of Annual reports of University

  1. Adoption of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) in all Science departments on the Campus.
  2. Facilitating preparation of templates for capturing Annual Feedback from various stakeholders (Students, Teachers, Alumni, Employers and Parents).
  3. Enhanced focus on fructifying Memorandum of Understanding with several International and National Institutions for academic, research, technical and cultural exchange programmes.

Weblink for MoUs:

  1. Leveraging ICT for improving academic and administrative functioning. Notable  initiative was the introduction and implementation of ICT based University Management System for all the students and faculty and the second was the introduction of the Panjab University Information Resource Portal (IRB)( (Intranet)), which is an innovative way to collect and organize Information from 74 teaching Departments and administrative wings.
  2. Encouraging and ensuring continual reforms in teaching-learning methodologies by laying impetus on the adoption of ICT and participatory learning in teaching practices as well as computerisation of the examination.
  3. For Honours School system, Engineering courses as well as UIAMS and UBS, the answer sheetsare duly shown to students to their satisfaction after evaluation. Thus, these scripts after examination are retained in the Department concerned for evaluation by the internal teachers and the answer books are shown to students after evaluation. The awards are finalized after sorting out/removing the queries/doubt of students, if any, regarding evaluation. With this system, the checking of answer books and re-evaluation of answer books are no longer required resulting in saving time and providing much-required transparency in evaluation. The university adopts the method of spot evaluation (Central) and dispatches answer books for evaluation at the residence of examiners. Double evaluation is adopted in case of such students who wish their scripts to be re-evaluated.
  4. Panjab University has constituted a grievance redressal cell at campus to handle grievances of students and staff. To reduce students’ grievances and to counsel them, there is a mechanism in place through which students are assigned to each teacher, who act as the mentors.
  5. Panjab University has also launched an online examination grievance-monitoring system toredress examination-related queries in a time-bound manner. The University has set up a special cell headed by a Senior Professor to handle complaints of sexual harassment on campus. Another special cell is there to handle complaints of ragging on the campus and its hostels. Not only does it generate opinion among students against ragging but also hears all such complaints.
  6. More than 85% of faculty have completed their PhD/Superspeciality degrees.
  1. Huge improvement regarding sanitation in hostels and washrooms on the campus, by periofic repairs and maintainence. Approx. Rs. 133 crore have been utilised for renovation and maintenece of the infrastructure. Bio-gas plant with capacity of 1 ton has been installed near boys hostel no. 3.
  2. Four new hostels in Sector-25 have been constructed so as to enhance availability of rooms forstudents. Well-furnished reading rooms have been constructed in each hostel. This is an indicator that PU is a preferred educational destination of students from far flung areas.
  3. IQAC co-ordinated development of Course outcomes (COs) and Programme outcomes (POs) in order to lay emphasis on skills to be imparted to students through teaching-learning pedagogy.
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