- MoU between PU and UNESCO – MGIEP
- MoU between Neculear Medicine, PU, Chd and Positroscint Pvt Ltd
- MoU between PU, Chd and Nottingham Trent University
- MoU between PU, Chd and Foundation of Universal Responsibility of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (India)
- MoU between UIET, PU, Chd & Gandhi Research Foundation, Jalgaon
- MoU between UIET, PU, Chd & Intel Technilogies Pvt Ltd Bengluru Karnatka
- MoU between PU, Chd & Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom
- MoU between PU, Chd & Gujarat Biotechnology Research Centre
- MOU between UILS PU Chd & Faculty of Law Universitas Airlangga Indonesia
- MOU between PU Chd & Bath Spa University
- MoU between PU & Homi Bhaba Cancer Hospital
- Mou between PU (Dept of Biotechnology) & Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
- MoU between PU & Punjab Biotechnology
- MoU between PU & CICU, Ludhiana
- MoU between PU DIS & Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR)
- MoU between PU & CSIR-IHBT Palampur, HP
- MoU between PU & Panacea Biotech Ltd
- MoU between PU & KU-KIST Graduate School of Converging, Sci & Tech, Korea University Seoul, Korea
- MoU between PU & IIPA, New Delhi
- MoU between PU & AIIS, New Delhi
- MoU between PU & Osaka University, Japan
- MoU between AC Joshi Lib PU & Info and Lib Network Centre Gandhi Nagar Shodh Chakara
- MoU between PU & Ankur Skool
- MoU between PU & Alliance Franciase, Cavilam, France
- MoU between PU & Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Bio Energy, Kapurthla
- MoU between PU (DST Policy Res Centre) and Knowledgentia Consultant
- MoU between PU & J C Bose Univ and Tech Faridabad Haryana
- MoU PU and Border Security Force
- MoU between PU & Alliance Envirocare Co PVt LTD
- MoU between PU & Osaka_University_Japan (2022)
- MoU between PU & Radha Krishan Service Provider
- MoU between PU & Exigo Recycling Private Limited
- MoU between PU & National Mission Manuscript, New Delhi (2022)
- MoU between PU & IIT Kanpur (2022)
- MoU between PU & Alliance Franciase, Cavilam France (2022)
- MoU between PU & NITTTER (2020)
- MoU between PU & Nottingham Trent University (2020)
- MoU between PU & Synergy University Moscow, Russia (2020)
- MoU between PU & USERN (2019)
- MoU between PU & CIIL, Mysore (2019)
- MoU between PU & London School of Management Education & CRIKC (2019)
- MoU between PU & University of Wolverhampton UK (2019)
- MOU between PU & Western Sydney University, Australia(2019)
- MOU between PU & ICMR Centre for Inovation & Bio Design PGIMER Chd(2019)
- MoU between PU Biotechnology & ALGen Therapeutics Pvt. Ltd. Faridabad (2019)
- MoU between PU, MoEFCC, & CPCC(2019)
- MoU between PU & Ch&igarh Police (2019)
- MoU between PU & Punjab Remote Sensing Centre (2019)
- MoU between PU & Govt of Assam (2019)
- MoU between PU & India council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi(2019)
- MoU between PU & Esteem Inc Baddi (2019)
- MoU between PU & Nottingham Trent University (2019)
- MoU between PU & Punjab Heritage & Tourism Promotion Board Ch&igarh (2018)
- MoU between PU & Nottingham Trent University (2018)
- MoU between PU & VAV Life Sciences PVT Ltd, Mumbai (2018)
- MoU between PU & Homi Bhaba National Institute (2018)
- MoU between PU & PHDCCI (2018)
- MoU between PU & National Tech. & Engg. Solutions, S&ia, LLC (2018)
- MoU between PU, CRIKC, SAIF/CIL & IC-IMPACTS Canada (2017)
- MoU between SCL & SEWA, Bharat (2017)
- MoU between PU & Pepperdine University (2017)
- MoU between PU & University of Fraser Valley, Canada (2017)
- MoU between PU & Memorial University of Newfoundl& (2017)
- MoU between PU & Osaka University (2017)
- MoU between PU & Florida Polytechnic University, USA (2017)
- MoU between PU & Allameh University Iran (2017)
- MoU between PU & Indian Academy of Sciences (2017)
- MoU between PU, UIET, & M/s Boolean Ventura Pvt Ltd, New Delhi (2017)
- MoU between PU, UIET, & Esteem Industries (2017)
- MoU between SCL & PU, UIET (2017)
- MoU between DST & SAIF PU (2017)
- MoU between PU, UIET, & Esteem Industries Baddi (2017)
- MoU between PU & Sarbat Da Bhala Charitable Trust (2016)
- MoU between PU & Defence Institute of Physiology & Allied Sciences(2016)
- MOU Between PU, Chd & Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar (MP) (2016)
- MoU between PU & University of Western Sydney (2016)
- MoU between PU & ICSI New Delhi (2016)
- MoU Between PU & Antioch University Seattle (USA) 2016
- MoU Between PU & University of Hull UK (2016)
- MoU Between PU & Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory Ch&igarh (2016)
- MoU Between PU & Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University Thail& (2016)
- MoU Between PU & Julius Maximilian University of Wurzburg (2016)
- MoU Between PU & Future Hitech Batteries Ltd Mohali Punjab (2016)
- MoU between PU & CSKHPKV Palampur (2016)
- MoU between PU & INFLIBNET for Shodhganga (2016)
- MoU between PU & Deakin University Australia (2016)
- MoU between PU & SSS-NIBE, New Delhi (2016)
- MoU between PU & Cosmic Ray Laboratory (CRL), TIFR, Ooty (2016)
- MoU between PU & Association of Charted Certified Accountants (2016)
- MoU between PU & International Skill Development Corporation (2016)
- MoU between PU & Saitama University, Japan (2016)
- MoU between PU & Juliu-Maximilians-University of Wurzburg (2016)
- MoU between PU & Fresenius Kabi Oncology Ltd (2016)
- MoU between PU & Birmingham University (2015)
- MoU between PU & Nottingham Trent University (2015)
- MoU between PU & Fayetteville State University, USA (2015)
- MoU between PU & University of Nottingham & PU (2015)
- MoU between PU Nanoscience & Nonotechnology & INST, Mohali (2015)
- MoU between PU & National Institute of IST, Japan (2015)
- MoU between PU & CSIR,New Delhi(2014)
- MoU between PU & National Research Development(2014)
- MoU between PU & University of Western Sydney (2014)
- MoU Between PU & Defence Studies & IDSA (2014)
- MoU between PU UIET & Centre for Development of Advance Computing (2013)
- MoU between PU & Sardar Sawaran Singh Institute of Renewable Energy (2012)
- MoU between PU & University of Fraser Valley, Canada(2012)
- MoU between PU UIET & PGI of Medical Education & �Research,Chd (2012)
- MoU between PU & National Agri-Food Biotechnology (2011)
- MoU between PU Regional Centre, Hoshiarpur & Infosys Technologies Ltd(2011)
- MoU between PU & Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd, Dehradun(2009)
- MoU between PU Forensic Science, GOI & Panjab University(2009)
- MoU between PU & Central Institute of Post Harvest Engneering & Technology (2009)
- MoU between PU & Directorate of Forensic Science,New Delhi(2009)
- MoU between PU & Dr, Ambedkar Institute of Hotel Management Catering & Nutrition,Chd (2009)
- MoU between PU & Fancy Barristers professional Corporation,Canada & New York Law School (2009)
- MoU between PU & Pokhara University, Nepal(2009)
- MoU between PU & Korea Institute of Energy Research(2009)
- MoU between PU & PGI of Medical Education & Research(2008)
- MoU between PU CIIPP & Chandigarh Management Association(2005)
- MoU between PU & Central Institute of Post Harvest Engineering & Technology, Ludhiana (2005)
- MoU between PU & Government Medical College Hospital, Chandigarh (2005)
- MoU between PU & Indian Institute of Petroleum Dehradun(2005)
- MoU between PU & Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh (2005)
- MoU between PU & Universite Paris Dauphine, France(2005)
- MoU between PU & University College of Fraser Valley(2004)
- MoU between PU Simon Fraser University(2004)
- MoU between PU & Sant Longowal Institute of Engneering & Technology,Sangrur(2003)
- MoU between PU & Indian Institute of Technology,Roorkee(2003)
- MoU between PU & Indian Pharmaceutical Congress(2002)
- MoU between PU & Semi Conductor Complex Ltd (2002)
- MoU between PU & CSIO, Chd(2001)
- MoU between PU & CSIO,Chd(2001)
- MoU between PU & institute of Microbial Technology(2001)
- MoU between PU & Nuclear Science Center, New Delhi(2001)
- MoU between PU & PGI Medical Education & Research(2001)
- MoU between PU & Institute of Microbial Technology,Chd(2000)
- MoU between PU & University of Hiroshima, Japan(2000)
- MoU between PU CIIPP & Ch&igarh Management Association (2000)
- MoU between PU & Institute of Microbial Technology,Chd(2000)
- MoU between PU UBS & University of Manitoba, Canada (1999)
- MoU between PU & IIT_Kanpur_&_UICET
- MoU Between PU & The Foundation Le Corbusier Paris France
- MoU Between PU & NIPER Mohali Punjab
- Academic and Research Cooperation Between Department of Biotechnology and Punjab Biotechnology Incubator from [09/10/2023 to 09/10/2026] - National - Academic
- MoU Between Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Mohali from [25/05/2015 to 01/04/2023] - National - Academic