Panjab University, Chandigarh organized a special lecture in hybrid mode by Professor Sanjay Srivastava, Professor of Political Science at BHU and currently the Vice Chancellor of Bihar Central University. Held at HRDC, Panjab University, the lecture was on ‘Analysing India’s G 20 Diplomacy’. Professor Srivastava at the outset underlined the relevance of G 20. He hailed it as a great initiative by the great nations of the world including India, currently heading the group, for ensuring the following for facilitating the global governance, ensuring informal decision making. African Union has been the latest entry thanks to the initiative of Bharat.
The lecture was attended by the faculty members participating in the ongoing courses meant for the serving college and university teachers. The university teachers and research scholars from the university and from other universities also joined the lecture. Professor Jayanti Datta, Deputy Director, HRDC coordinated the programme. The lecture was conducted under the leadership of Professor Anju Suri, Director, HRDC, Panjab University.