The second day of the two-day Northern Zone Vice Chancellors Conference on the critical theme of “Implementation of NEP 2020,” at Panjab University began with the conduct of ten breakout thematic sessions covering holistically all the dimensions related to issues of implementation and challenges for NEP 2020. The recommendations proposed in all the thematic sessions were presented followed by the Q/A session at Law Auditorium, Panjab University.
The presentations were made by the group representatives to acquaint the participants about the deliberations happened during the respective session.
The UGC chairperson, Prof. JagadeshKumar while taking up questions said that the universities/ HEIs should invite professors of practice who can help in designing courses as their inputs are vital. Further, he said that 5000 skill hubs will be set up across the country for providing skills to all so that dropouts become employable rather than skill-less graduates. He also highlighted that development of e-content in regional languages is also important.
Apart from these sessions, a session on ‘Bharatiyabhashaayei’ was also conducted. The recommendations were made to equip teachers to use translation tools such as Anuvadini, Bhashiniand Udaan so that books for UG curriculum can be translated in regional languages.
In another session, the UGC chairman interacted with 33 student ambassadors (NEP Saarthis) from 8 universities of Northern Region. He initiated the discussion by referring to the importance of freedom, choice and flexibility for the students.
UGC Joint Secretary Dr Avichal Kapurapplauded the efforts of Panjab University in hosting the conference. He summarized various initiatives being taken at the UGC level and urged VCs that the universities shall make clusters between themselves and give best opportunities to our learners.
All delegates unanimously agreed that efforts must be made by all the stakeholders to implement the NEP 2020 in true spirit.

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