On the 23rd of November 2023, a group discussion addressing Accreditation & Excellence in Higher Education Institutes under the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 took place in the Prof. B.M. Anand Auditorium, Department of Physics, Panjab University. This forum was an integral component of the Northern Zone Vice Chancellors’ Conference dedicated to the implementation of NEP 2020. Prof. Sushma Yadav, Pro Vice Chancellor of the Central University of Haryana, Jant-Pali, Mahendergarh, Haryana, and Prof. B. K. Shivram from Himachal Pradesh University Summer Hills, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, assumed the roles of theme chairperson and convener.

Participating in the session were Vice Chancellors, NEP Coordinators, and IQAC Coordinators from various universities. Prof. Sakshi Kaushal, Associate Director of IQAC at PU, extended a warm welcome to the chairperson, convenor, and all the delegates. Prof. Sushma Yadav guided the discussion, encouraging participants to share their insights after briefing them about the central questions.

The group collectively affirmed positive responses to all the questions, and from the ensuing discussions, several key points surfaced:

  1. Ethical Integration for Excellence: The consensus was that ethical principles should underpin both teaching and research activities to attain excellence.
  2. Centralized Data Portal: Participants advocated for the creation of a centralized portal that amalgamates data from various sources such as AISHE, UTSAH, NIRF, E-Samarth, NAAC, and NBA, streamlining data collection processes.
  3. Unified Accreditation Process: There was unanimous support for the establishment of a single body overseeing a uniform and continuous accreditation process, simplifying the existing accreditation landscape.
  4. Redesigned Student Satisfaction Surveys: Delegates proposed a redesign of student satisfaction surveys, emphasizing their importance for the holistic development of students. Additionally, there was a call to introduce teacher satisfaction surveys.
  5. Expanded NAAC Assessment Scale: There was a suggestion to extend the NAAC assessment scale from 0-4 to 0-7 or beyond, reflecting a nuanced evaluation framework for institutions.
  6. Targeted Funding for NEP Implementation: It was recommended that funds allocated for NEP implementation, aimed at achieving excellence, should be specifically earmarked for state-funded institutions.
  7. Redesigned Accreditation Parameters: The need to revisit accreditation parameters was underscored, considering the diverse nature of institutions and courses.
  8. Strengthened Mentor-Mentee System: Participants emphasized the importance of fortifying the mentor-mentee system as a means to provide robust support and guidance within academic institutions.

The insights and recommendations stemming from this discussion provide a strategic roadmap for advancing accreditation and excellence in higher education under the framework of NEP 2020.


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