
Drone Tech Centre launches operations at Panjab University

IQAC2023-06-16T06:41:53+00:00June 10th, 2023|Categories: Technology, University News|

Region Innovation & Knowledge Cluster CRIKC Panjab University in collaboration with General Aeronautics Bengaluru launched an Advanced Drone Tech Centre in PU campus. This centre will involve engineers, scientists and students from PU and CRIKC institutes for Research, Development and application of Drone based technologies in fields of agriculture, disaster management and for material transportation & accessibility to difficult terrains.

CRIKC Shodh Samvad on Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence

IQAC2023-06-16T06:02:07+00:00June 10th, 2023|Categories: Technology, University News|

Chandigarh June 10, 2023- Chandigarh Region Innovation and Knowledge Cluster (CRIKC) mandate is to use science, technology and innovation for socio-economic change and one of its initiatives is “Shodh Samwad i.e. Research Forum” which is a platform to encourage young budding scientists to showcase their research to general society as a whole and provides initiative for collaborations and fostering partnerships among various research groups.

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